Removing, Adding Staff & Transferring Claims
Staff turnover can sometimes be a real
problem. People come and go. Removing and adding users in Casetrackerlaw is a process. Claims and Reminders assigned to an existing
user will need to be transferred to the new staff member. To do this, follow the steps below. All Casetrackerlaw systems have a user limit
so adding users can be a little tricky. Only the sadmin can access Manage Staff.
Step 1: transfer all claims and reminders to another
staff member
Step 2: delete or archive the staff member
Step 3: add the new staff member
Step 4: transfer all claims and reminders to the new staff member
Transferring claims and reminders
Click “Manage Collectors” located in the red access links,
either under the red Dashboard or in the Features drop-down menu.
Click the gray “Transfer Claims” button
Filter by Creditor: optional
Select Status Type: optional
Click Transfer
Click Assign (you can also transfer the reminders from this screen as well
which means the step below is moot)
Click the gray “Transfer Reminders” button
Click Transfer
Removing Users (Users can also be archived)
Go to Settings > Manage Staff > click the little trashcan.
If the user has claims or reminders assigned, they will need to be transferred before deleting or archiving.
Adding Users (only sadmin can access Manage Staff)
Go to Settings > Manage Staff > click Add New Staff
The username is hard-coded and can’t be changed.
The password can be changed at any time for security reasons.
Email: optional (*will display in eMail drop-down under Status blue tab)
Staff Name: can be an alias
Status: what roll is this user assuming
Phone: optional
*Claim Status/Payment Access: yes or no > ability to update the client and post payments
*Reminder Edit/Delete Access: yes or no > ability to edit & delete reminders
*eMail Drop Down List: yes or no > the “From” email in status updates to clients
*Confirm Invoice Payment: yes or no >
ability to confirm a client payment from an invoice
*Commission: if you are going to give this user a commission on the money they
collect, enter a percentage rate (there is a report to calculate
Add Staff
If you need help with this, click the Support link located in the red Access links under the red dashboard or in the Features drop-down menu in your system and send us a message.
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