Email & Fax Campaigns

Save time and money using these features. Casetrackerlaw allows its users to send an email or fax campaign daily, weekly or monthly. Make sure that the Auto Email and Auto Fax blue tabs are displayed. This is done via Manage Staff, Blue Claim Tabs link. If the debtor has an email address, you can set up an email campaign that tells them to call your office to schedule payments. The debtor can receive an automatic email reminding them to make a payment each month or a reminder that an auto-payment will be deducted from their account on a specific date. The “To” email address will auto fill from the claim, the body of the email is a template that is setup in Settings, Edit Email Templates and can be completely customized. Click the [Mail] link (see below) to set up the campaign and use the above illustration as an example. Ending a campaign is simple. Click the Auto Email blue tab and edit or delete the email campaign. The c...