PDF Wizard: Merging Claim Info

PDF Wizard is another cool feature.  Court forms are legal documents that are formatted specifically to the court who require PDF filings.  You will need to use AdobeAcrobat Pro DC to create the PDF or something similar.  Import the legal form into Adobe, edit the merge fields that you will need to populate with claim information and save.  Export that template and import it into the Casetrackerlaw PDF Wizard. 

1.    Go to Settings and select PDF Wizard.  You will see “New Template” and a field for the name of your document and a Choose File button. 

2    On the right side you will see “New Merge Field” and a field for the name of the merge code that you will be adding and an Add button.  A new system will come with a few PDF Merge Fields however, there will be data that needs to be merged but no merge code and those will need to be added.   Enter the name of the merge field that you need, for example; enter Debtor Address and click Add. 

3.   The next screen is where you will match the merge code to a merge field.  Select the matching merge field from the dropdown menu to the merge code you added and click the Save button.

The next screen is where you will type the merge code format.  For example, Debtor Address will be “daddress” or “Daddress” or “DebtorAdd”…it can be a single format or you can have several formats for the same merge code.

There are instructions and a step by step walkthrough on the PDF Wizard screen as well as a training video located in the upper right corner next to Settings.


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