Remits: Printing a Check Instructions

Once a payment is posted to a claim and you select a remit date, that claim will appear in the Remits tab on the red Dashboard.

Click the Remits tab on the red Dashboard and click All Remits, Todays Remits or Past Due Remits.

Click the Creditor column so the claims are sorted by creditor

Check the box or boxes that you want to include in the printed check

Click Print 1 Check Per Creditor – the next screen will be the Check Page Setup

1. Select the check layout
2. Save a check image on your computer that you will upload and save
3. Click Continue to Layout

This screen displays your check and the layout selected on the previous screen.

You can drag and drop the text on the check to the spot that works best with the check you have uploaded.

Follow the directions posted on this screen.  (Scan a copy of your check and print a few test checks to use for this process.  You don’t want to test on real checks)

You will also need to confirm how the checks will be placed into the printer before printing.  It may be different for each printer.  (Mine went in check face down and furthest away from the opening)

This a trial and error process but once this is done you don’t have to do it again unless you change your checks.


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