Settings > Let’s Get Set Up with “Access Controls”!

95% Customizable – you decide who gets what and what goes where.  We don’t tell you how to run your office so we shouldn’t tell you how your software should be set up either. 

Let’s start at the top with “Access Controls”.  Access Controls lists all of the departments in the system that have the ability to access the system.  From in-house users like Super Admin, Admin & Collectors, to outside users like attorneys, clients or debtors.  YOU limit what they can see and do.

The first step lists the department or category, Super Admin, Admin… that you select in order to customize what they have to work with.  The second step lists the different users that you have entered, select one, and the sections you want to customize for that user, select one.  After selecting the user and the section, the next step is to allow that user to have access to the button, tabs or links.

As shown in the illustration below, the Admin was selected (there can/may be more than 1 admin to choose from), the Dashboard was selected (the Dashboard is the red ribbon that runs across the top of every page), the Select Options appears that lists all of the available options for that user.  Move items from the left to the right and click the button at the bottom of the list.


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